FEATURES : Risotto Making Function Risotto usually requires precise temperature, controlled liquid absorption, and lots of stirring. The pre-programmed Risotto function controls temperature to absorb flavour, lightly agitates while simmering, and turns itself off once ready. Simple, delicious, home made risotto, without stirring. Saute Function Spice up your rice. Use the rice cooker to saute a range of other ingredients like mushrooms, onions and meats. Auto Off Function The key to light and fluffy rice is controlling temperature, and taking it off the heat at precisely the right time. Breville rice cookers sense changes in temperature and automatically switch to 'Keep Warm' once the rice is ready. Avoids burnt and gluggy rice, even if you're not in the kitchen. Easy Clean Design Non stick interior reduces clean up. Steaming Function Comes with steam tray/s designed to sit under the lid of the rice cooker. Simply add water to steam fish and vegetables. Cook 'n' Look Lid Tempered glass for ultimate visibility.